At Biznify, we make sure the management of NDIS funds is stress free for you and the business. We specialise in taking the financial stress from your NDIS plan management.
How can Biznify help manage your NDIS Plan?
By serving as your dedicated plan manager, we will navigate the complexities of your NDIS plan management and provide personalised guidance in managing your NDIS plan funding. We are here to assist you in receiving optimal compensation and funding support based on your specific plan goals.
By choosing Biznify as your plan manager, you won’t have to rely on the NDIA to manage the components of your NDIS plan, and you won’t experience the stress involved in self-managing your plan.
Why should you use a plan manager?
When you choose Biznify to manage your NDIS plan:
No Cost to Participant
Our plan management fees are funded separately and never come out of your support budget, ensuring that you always receive optimal compensation. The prescribed fees for independent plan managers are outlined in the official pricing guide.
Prompt Provider Payments
Most invoices are processed within 3 business days once approval is confirmed, and upon receipt of claimed funds, invoices are processed within 2 business days.
Freedom of Choice
When you partner with Biznify, you will have access to an extensive selection of service providers, including those who are not NDIS registered. By selecting your own preferred provider, you have the freedom to choose the supports that best fit your needs.
Budget Tracking
We make budgeting easy with real-time budget balances, including what you have spent to date, as well as the funding amount that remains. You will have on-demand access to your plan budgets through our software app, and our team is always available to address questions or concerns. Remove the hassle and stress of self-management by choosing Biznify.